Sunday, December 20, 2009

My husband washed a load of towels and left them in the washer, they soured.?

I have rewashed them twice but they still smell soured. Any suggestions on how to get the smell out? Ive tried febreeze and it didnt help any. THANKS!My husband washed a load of towels and left them in the washer, they soured.?
It may sound odd, but have you tried adding a cup of white vinegar to the load. Vinegar helps to remove odors, so you might give it a try.My husband washed a load of towels and left them in the washer, they soured.?
Wash them again and this time add a cup of ammonia to the load. Rinse twice.
I know how you feel! That is why I won't let my husband wash clothes again. I found that putting twice the amount of laundry soap for the load; and don't use no name brand soap. I use Tide-Downy or Tide-Febreeze. And if that still doesn't work, add 1/2 cup of baking soda or bleach to the next wash.
Some detergents actually boast that they remove such smells. I've had good luck with Era. Go with cheaper tries first. Try the vinegar or baking soda. I'd have more faith in the vinegar because it's a little stronger and attacks a different type of chemical. Except for the energy and water there is little lost if it doesn't work. Then try Era or some similar product. If all else fails, make your husband use those towels for whatever until they quit smelling. There is a chance that they are ruined.

One last thing. Sunlight kills and destroys all sorts of things. Leave them out in the sun. Turn them over. After several days try washing them again.
A new load with a cup of white vinegar will help. Also, you could use a bleach for coloured fabrics that can get any mould out and freshen the laundry.
Wash them again without soap or detergent. Add a cup of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to the wash cycle.
Did you use bleach and hot water? A couple of towels at a time might help too. Can you hang them outside in the sun to dry? Some sunshine might help. Good luck
Try rewashing them again with detergent, and some clear ammonia. Ammonia removes stains and odor. They used to use it on cloth diapers for that reason.
get a divorce because that's worse than cheating - throw towels in garbage, along with wedding ring.
try rinse with bleach

and wash it detegergent and fabric conditioner
Vinegar is the trick...pile it on and let them soak. Go give your husband a big wet kiss for trying...then start the cleaning cycle (hot) with your regular detergent.

Hey, guys just can't clean like the ladies and that's not sexist - it's a fact.
try washing them again with a cup of baking soda or two in addition to the soap and an extra rinse cycle if still sour, try washing with some white vinegar, a cup or two in addition to the soap and use an extra rinse cycle.

Usually baking soad will work. And tell your hubby that you wont put diesel in the unleaded cars if he doesnt touch the washer. Find him a different job to do.
Wash them in Borax and only Borax. It refreshes your laundry.
You mean they mildewed. You have to get a mildew remover. Or you can let them soak for a long time in the washer before setting it on wash then drying them.

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