Thursday, December 24, 2009

How much noise can you hear through thin condo walls from a small washer?

I bought a small portable washer that doesn't seem to make that much noise. I don't think downstairs can hear because the machine doesn't shake or vibrate (as I also have a foam pad to muffle the floor). Now I wonder if the people next door and above me can hear when the hum of the washer starts during the wash. The spinning makes a little whirling that we consider a little loud. Anyone know or have neighbors with washer and they can hear through their thin walls? The washer's a secret, since none is allowed, we can't straight out ask our neighbors. I pay high HOA and conserve water, so I think having a tiny washer is not that big of a sin. Thanks!How much noise can you hear through thin condo walls from a small washer?
Low frequencies pass through the walls most easily, so you're probably okay as long as the washer doesn't go out of balance on the spin cycle.

How well your condo is soundproofed is hard to say, but if you cannot easily hear people walking, doors closing, musical bass notes (i.e. low frequency sounds), then your washer may go unnoticed. Unless of course it leaks or overflows (about the only reason I could understand for the rule), then the landlord may get involved if the ceiling downstairs starts dripping or falls.

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